_**RESIGNATION**_ I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an 8 year-old again. I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four star restaurant. I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make a sidewalk with rocks. I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them. I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer's day. I want to return to a time when life was simple; When all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes, but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care. All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset. I want to think the world is fair. That everyone is honest and good. I want to believe that anything is possible. I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again. I want to live simple again. I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes,mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness, and loss of loved ones. I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow. So . . . here's my checkbook and my car-keys, my credit card bills and my RRSP statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood. And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, cause........ ......"Tag! You're it." Remember the Simple things in Life. ((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))

January 18, 2006




他不會英語,但百無聊賴間輕輕唱起這歌... "Imagine all the people living life in peace...you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."。幼嫩的小孩歌聲清唱,很動聽。往後還唱聖誕歌,直至他媽媽回來。



另一次是除夕當天International Herald Tribune(國際先驅論壇報)的全版廣告,差不多全頁留白,正中白紙黑字一行:“Imagine all the people living life in peace”,下款放在全頁最下端,小小的字--Yoko Ono。


小時常聽人說希望世界和平,那時並不知道這是人類至難實現的願望之一。但在聖誕和新年間兩次遇到的Imagine,都叫人感到這希冀雖難實現,但總會把人與人的距離拉近,靠近和平多一nano mm。

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